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Thursday 07 September 2017Danger on the road comes in all shapes and sizes, as do the road accident claims dealt with by Swindon Accident Solicitors
When people think about road traffic accidents they are more likely to conjure up images of ‘Fast and Furious’ joyriders than law-abiding senior citizens at pedestrian crossings, but a new report suggests that road accidents can happen in the kind of situations we least imagine, not to mention places we presume to be safe.
The report by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence argues that the Green Man walking sign on pedestrian crossings may be too fast for elderly people to cross the road safely, and suggests new draft guidelines for local councils in order to prevent accidents.
Most crossings allow between four and seven seconds before the green man starts flashing, but the average walking speed for older men has been estimated at 3 foot per second, and 2.6ft per second for older women. The speed for crossings recommended by the Department for Transport is around 4ft per second, but local councils can adjust the timing to suit their residents' needs.
Decades of experience helping clients with road accidents claims has taught the legal team at Swindon Accident Solicitors that any kind of road, pavement or crossing can be a dangerous place, and that it pays to take as many safety precautions on the quiet residential streets of Old Town or Wanborough as you would amidst the fast-moving traffic on the M4 or A419.
If you have been involved in an accident in a car, on a motorbike, on a bicycle, or as a passenger or pedestrian then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Swindon Accident Solicitors can provide expert guidance for claimants with minor injuries such as whiplash, cuts and bruises and also ensure that you receive physiotherapy treatment to help speed your recovery.
We also understand that road accidents can be life changing if you have broken bones or have suffered head or spinal cord injuries. Severe injuries require specialist knowledge and expertise, not only for those left injured but for family members who may be dependent on the injured party.
If you are the victim of an accident and the responsible party is uninsured or untraced (hit and run) then you may still be able to make a claim. Remember there is no charge for talking to one of our lawyers about what has happened and our friendly team will always do their utmost to help.
As an example, one of our recent clients was involved in a rear end shunt traffic accident and suffered severe whiplash type injuries. She was unable to work for a short period of time and required a hire car for over a month while her own vehicle was being repaired. With legal guidance from Swindon Accident Solicitors, she was able to settle for £8,000.
In another case, our client suffered from whiplash injuries after a road traffic accident that caused him problems for a year. He did not lose any wages but required the benefit of two courses of physiotherapy, that cost covered by a settlement of £2,000.
Sadly, some road traffic accidents have longer term consequences. One victim represented by Swindon Accident Solicitors suffered a serious head injury when he was run over by a motor cycle when crossing the road. Multiple injuries left him unable to work and needing full time care. He also required special housing arrangements and adaptations. His accident claim was settled for £2 million.
“We sincerely hope you are never involved in a road traffic accident,” says Swindon Accident Solicitors’ Robert Millbourn, who has over twenty years’ experience helping clients with a wide variety of claims, from minor road traffic accidents to the most serious types of injury. “But if you are unfortunate enough to suffer an accident, we are here to lend a sympathetic ear and expert legal guidance when you most need it.”
Swindon Accident Solicitors offer a FREE initial consultation that will review your road traffic accident and establish if you have a justifiable claim. Please contact us today on 01793 425595 to arrange an appointment with one of our friendly lawyers.